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The Rookie Nurse Hospital Game



At the center of a hospital is a fun, unwinding, and interesting game called The Rookie Nurse. The goal of the game is to look after every infant in the nursery. Users have to take care of things like feeding, bathing, and diapering. There are a variety of duties to fulfill in order to take care of patients.

To determine what patients’ needs are, users need to apply their experience and intuition. The game features a wide variety of patients to care for with various health concerns and needs.

To ensure that patients are content and healthy, users will need to conduct a lot of experiments. This includes examinations to treatments to enable patients to get better.

There are numerous opportunities to succeed. Users can enjoy the acts of bathing, giving medicine, feeding, playing, and more. These acts need to be performed before the game’s timer runs out and the user must make the baby as happy and healthy as possible to win.

Key features of The Rookie Nurse Hospital Game include:

  • Considering what patients need to be healthier. Users must work to figure out what the babies require to resolve their issues. With each patient being different, users will be required to experiment with each patient to work out what steps to take.
  • Enjoying baths, medicine, feeding, and more to care for the baby and make them feel their best.
  • Nurses will take the baby’s away once the tasks have been accomplished and the babies are happy.
  • Every step to follow enables users to understand how to take care of a newborn baby.
  • Game timers make the experience tense, competitive, and exciting.

The Rookie Nurse Hospital is the perfect game for those who adore raising infants and honing their nursing abilities. Users can enjoy every step of the newborn baby care procedure and help patients improve their health before the nurse removes them at the end of the timer.

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